são paulo, brazil.


Ministry of tourism - Brazil.

A mobile game developed to replace tour guides during the world cup in Brazil.

Brazil Quest: a mobile game developed to replace tour guides during the world cup in Brazil.

→ ministry of tourism

→ ministry of tourism

brasil quest board.jpg

→ All the 12 host cities were recreated considering architecture, tourist attractions and even threes.

→ About the characters: 3 aliens who lived in a sad planet representing the world of anyone who didn't know Brazil.

Game launch: anyone at Times Square could play the game and try to win a trip to Brazil.

Seeding: full game intro presenting the whole story behind the characters.

→ my role: concept and copywriting.

CD: Raphael Pontual. CW: Paula Cunha, Leonado Barbosa. AD: Glauber Dorotheu, Clovez Menezes.

CD: Raphael Pontual. CW: Paula Cunha, Leonado Barbosa. AD: Glauber Dorotheu, Clovez Menezes.